About Us
Two kids are growing up in Philipsburg, a small Montana town. The girl moves away to Twin Bridges, another small Montana town about 100 miles away. In Twin Bridges, the girl learns the gritty details of the restaurant business from a wise and supportive mentor.
The boy and girl lose touch but briefly run into each other once in a while at Philipsburg’s summer festival. (Her Dad is still living in Philipsburg, as are his parents.) He’s living in Boise, Idaho working in the tech industry. She’s living in Chico, California working at the hospital. Twenty-five years later, they reconnect on…..”Facebook, of course!”
He moves to Chico but has to travel for business, all the time! Sadly, her Dad falls ill and their life becomes impossible with all the traveling and trying to care for her Dad long distance. So, they decide to pack up and move home to Philipsburg.
In an amusing combination of circumstances, they buy a little restaurant next to a beautiful lake that has fallen on hard times. They work like crazy to revive the business and it’s a success! This is the story of the new owners of The Lakehouse, Angela Jacobson and Jimmy Pederson.
Angela Jacobson and Jimmy Pederson
Proprietors of The Lakehouse
Some of Our Reviews

Jimmy and Angela’s transformation of the old Brown Derby into The Lakehouse has been astonishing. The foundation of the transformation is their dedication to providing fantastic service, a supportive working environment and giving back to the community that raised them. It doesn’t hurt that they have a fabulous sense of humor and an insane work ethic. Jimmy and Angela work side-by-side with their staff to ensure that every customer has a great experience at The Lakehouse.

The success of The Lakehouse could not have been achieved without the hard work and support of the amazing staff who have enthusiastically embraced Angela and Jimmy's dedication to customer service, excellent dining and community service.